Cam Davis 4 Us Campaign

Cam Davis ran for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District’s Bradford vacancy in 2018. Commissioner Tim Bradford passed away the day paperwork for the March 2018 primary was filed leaving a vacancy on the ballot. Cam Davis was an ideal candidate to fill the spot as President Obama’s Great Lakes lead, a Clean Water Act attorney and former President and CEO of the Alliance for the Great Lakes. With progressive Democratic values, Cam planned to represent the interests of the residents of Cook County and the Water Reclamation District well. We created and launched his website in record time since early primary voting began on March 5, 2018. Not only did Cam win the primary as a write in candidate, he won the general election in November 2018.
Stephen B. Starr Design, Inc.
2120 Madison Place
Evanston, IL 60202-1926
847. 644. 2389 Mobile
847. 461. 8648 Google Voice