Case Study

Loco Innovations – Brand & Rollout

Loco is the brain child of Doug Wilson of Breakthrough Technologies. It is a “low-code, no-code” software platform that allows easy creation of business operations applications. The learning curve for Loco is very shallow, so Doug’s idea was to promote Loco as a friendly robot… an approachable friend who could make a regular worker bee the office hero. Free trials for Loco are available at

Stephen B. Starr Design explored many iterations of the “friendly robot,” settling finally on the orange and blue martian who has become the mascot for Loco. We have depicted him in a variety of positions — standing, in the circle, outside the circle. The mark is proving to be very versatile. Our color palette mirrors the colors for Breakthrough Technologies, but that is as far as the relationship goes.

Some of the use cases for the Loco brand are shown in the gallery above.

Stephen B. Starr Design, Inc.
2120 Madison Place
Evanston, IL 60202-1926

847. 644. 2389 Mobile
847. 461. 8648 Google Voice