Survivor Moms’ Companion

Survivor Moms’ Companion is a unique psychoeducational program to help pregnant women with a history of trauma break the cycle of abuse in their lives and in the lives of the newly born. The team that developed the Survivor Moms’ Companion program, Esther Giller, President, Sidran Institute, Julia Seng, CNM, Ph.D., FAAN, Mickey Sperlich, CPM, MSW, Ph.D. and Mary Anne Reilly have developed the model for this program which is publicized and administered through this website. Additionally, the website helps recruit tutors and agency supervisors who will offer this program to their clients.
Stephen B. Starr Design, Inc.
2120 Madison Place
Evanston, IL 60202-1926
847. 644. 2389 Mobile
847. 461. 8648 Google Voice